

① 団体代表者はこちら

② 参加者本人はこちら





募集要項2025はこちら / Application Guideline 2025














Privacy Policy

The Japan International Ballet Association (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”) establishes the following Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as “this Policy”) regarding the handling of privacy information in the services provided on this website (hereinafter referred to as “the Services”).

Article 1 (Privacy Information) 

The term “history information and characteristic information” in this policy refers to information other than “personal information” as defined above. This includes the services used, products purchased, history of pages and advertisements viewed, search keywords entered by users, usage date and time, usage methods, usage environment, postal code, gender, occupation, age, user’s IP address, cookie information, location information, and individual identification information of the device.

Article 2 (Methods of Collecting Privacy Information) 

The Association may request users to provide personal information such as name, date of birth, address, phone number, email address, bank account number, credit card number, driver’s license number, etc. when registering for use.

In addition, the Association may collect transaction records, including users’ personal information, and information related to payments from partners of the Association (including information providers, advertisers, and ad distributors, hereinafter referred to as “partners”). The Association collects historical information and characteristic information, such as services used, software used, products purchased, history of pages and advertisements viewed, search keywords entered, usage date and time, usage methods, usage environment (including communication status of the device when using a mobile terminal and various settings information during use), IP address, cookie information, location information, and individual identification information of the device, when users use the services of the Association or view pages.

Article 3 (Purpose of Collecting and Using Personal Information)

The purposes for which the Association collects and uses personal information are as follows:

(1) To allow users to view and modify their registration information, check usage status, and display information such as registration details, services used, purchased products, and related fees, such as name, address, contact information, and payment methods.

(2) To use email addresses for notifying and contacting users, sending products, and contacting as necessary, using contact information such as name and address.

(3) To conduct user identity verification using information such as name, date of birth, address, phone number, bank account number, credit card number, driver’s license number, and delivery proof results with the aim of ensuring security.

(4) To bill users for purchased items, using information such as purchased product names and quantities, types and durations of used services, frequencies, billing amounts, names, addresses, bank account numbers, and credit card numbers.

(5) To facilitate user data input, display information registered with the Association on input screens, and transfer information to other services based on user instructions (including those provided by partners).

(6) To refuse the usage of users who violate the terms of service, delay payments, cause damages to third parties, or attempt to use the service for fraudulent or unfair purposes, using information such as usage patterns, names, and addresses to identify individuals.

(7) To respond to inquiries from users, using necessary information such as inquiry details and billing information for providing services, as well as information on users’ service usage status and contact information.

(8) Other purposes associated with the above usage purposes.

Article 4 (Third-party Provision of Personal Information) 

The Association shall not provide personal information to third parties without obtaining the user’s consent, except in the following cases. However, this excludes cases recognized by the Personal Information Protection Act or other laws. (1) When based on legal requirements. (2) When necessary for the protection of a person’s life, body, or property, and obtaining the individual’s consent is difficult. (3) When specifically necessary for improving public health or promoting the wholesome upbringing of children, and obtaining the individual’s consent is difficult. (4) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national institution, local public body, or a person entrusted by them in performing tasks stipulated by laws, and obtaining the individual’s consent may impede the performance of such tasks. (5) When the following items have been announced or publicly disclosed in advance:

  • Purposes of use, including provision to third parties
  • Categories of data to be provided to third parties
  • Means or methods of providing information to third parties
  • The ability for the individual to request the cessation of providing personal information to third parties Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the following cases shall not be considered as third-party provision: (1) When the Association entrusts the handling of personal information, in whole or in part, within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use. (2) When personal information is provided due to the succession of business through merger or other reasons. (3) In cases where personal information is jointly used with a specific party, the Association shall notify the individual in advance or make it readily available for them to know about the purpose of joint use, the items of personal information to be jointly used, the scope of parties with whom it will be jointly used, the purposes of such parties’ use, and the name or designation of the person responsible for managing the personal information.

Article 5 (Disclosure of Personal Information) 

When the Association is requested by the individual for the disclosure of personal information, it will promptly disclose the information to the individual. However, if disclosing the information falls under any of the following cases, the Association may choose not to disclose all or part of it, and if such a decision is made, it will promptly notify the individual. Please note that a fee of 1,000 yen per request for disclosure of personal information will be charged. (1) When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the individual or a third party. (2) When there is a significant risk of impeding the proper implementation of the Association’s business. (3) When it would violate other laws. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, information other than personal information such as history information and characteristic information will generally not be disclosed.

Article 6 (Correction and Deletion of Personal Information)

If a user finds that their personal information held by the Association is incorrect, the user can request the correction or deletion of the personal information from the Association through the procedures established by the Association.

Upon determining that it is necessary to respond to a user’s request under the preceding paragraph, the Association will promptly correct or delete the relevant personal information and notify the user accordingly.

Article 7 (Suspension of Use, etc., of Personal Information) 

If a user requests the suspension or deletion (hereinafter referred to as “suspension of use, etc.”) of their personal information, claiming that it is being handled beyond the scope of the intended use or has been obtained by fraudulent means, the Association will promptly conduct necessary investigations based on the results of which it will suspend the use, etc., of the personal information and notify the user. However, if the suspension of use, etc., involves significant costs or if it is difficult to carry out, and alternative measures can be taken to protect the rights and interests of the individual, the Association will take such alternative measures.

Article 8 (Changes to the Privacy Policy) 

The content of this Policy may be changed without prior notice to the users. Unless otherwise specified by the Association, the revised Privacy Policy shall take effect from the time it is posted on the website.

Article 9 (Contact Information)

For inquiries regarding this Policy, please contact the following:

Email Address: