加治屋 百合子
加治屋 百合子
Yuriko Kajiya
ヒューストン・バレエ プリンシパル
8歳でバレエを始め、10歳、上海舞踊学校入学、奨学金を得て首席で卒業。在学中の2000年、若手バレエダンサーの登竜門であるローザンヌ国際バレエ・ コンクールでローザンヌ賞を受賞。奨学金を得てカナダ国立バレエ学校入学。
翌年アメリカン・バレエ・シアター (ABT)スタジオカンパニー入団。 同バレエ団の研究生を経て正団員となり2007年ソリストに昇格。
「情熱大陸」、アメリカ高視聴率番組「So You Think You Can Dance」ゲスト出演。
Born in Aichi, Japan. She began ballet at age 8 and entered the Shanghai Dance School at 10, graduating at the top of her class with a scholarship. In 2000, while still a student, she won the renowned Prix de Lausanne Scholarship. She then received a scholarship to the National Ballet School of Canada and joined the American Ballet Theatre (ABT) Studio Company the following year. She became a soloist in 2007 and transferred to Houston Ballet as a principal in 2014. She has appeared on ”Jonetsu Tairiku” and “So You Think You Can Dance”, and won the 2021 Minister of Education’s Art Encouragement Prize. In 2022, she starred in Houston Ballet’s first Japan performance of Swan Lake.