Jennifer Sommers
ヒューストンバレエアカデミー ディレクター
ローラディーン ダンサーズアンドミュージシャンズやオールバニーバークシャーバレエでバレエミストレスを務め、数々の奨学金や助成金を受けている。
Jennifer Sommers is the Director of the Houston Ballet Academy, overseeing all educational programming. She holds an MFA in Dance, Performance, and Choreography from Smith College. Sommers presents on pedagogy and curriculum at various conferences, including the National Dance Education Organization. She has performed with Laura Dean Musicians and Dancers and the Albany Berkshire Ballet, where she was also Ballet Mistress. Her honors include a scholarship to Jacob’s Pillow Choreography Workshop and multiple arts grants. She was the Associate Director of Raleigh Dance Theatre and Founding Dance Educator at KIPP Sharpstown College Prep. Previously, she was the Associate Director of Raleigh Dance Theatre and has taught at the University of Houston and other institutions.